Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is a specialist operation, that requires skilled staff to install the network deployment. Within the United Kingdom we follow SROH & HAUC specifications for depths to be excavating and reinstatement of public byways and highways. Most modern-day networks are ducted or directly buried within public footpaths and carriageways.
Building a new network requires the area to be surveyed and choose the best locations for access chambers, jointing chambers, something that desktop planning or mapping systems cannot always see, hence the stance on walking routes and identifying potential issues before the project start.
TNS employ experienced staff who hold the correct qualifications with every operative holding Streetworks Qualification Registration who have experience of New Road & Streetworks Act (NRSWA) and carry out the processes in place to avoid damage of other utilities in ground, by carrying out cable avoidance techniques by using Cable avoidance tool (CAT & Genny) other tools like ground penetration radar (GPR) to find non metallic tubing/pipes in the ground such as water and gas. TNS believe in doing things correctly by obtaining the correct safe dig prints of other utilities and carries out HSG47 as standard.
All our CAT & Gennys provide GPS tracking and timestamping so we know exactly where it has been used and the data export also tells us if it has been used correctly and can be used with mapping software so we know our field gangs are doing what they should be doing.
For over the past 7 years we have successfully completed numerous telecom builds covering hundreds of kilometres being excavated to the correct depths and reinstated correctly to SROH and ensuring the safety of staff and the public.
TNS can provide conventional digging or trenching solutions, we have our own serviced plant, our trenching machine can perform 100 metres of track an hour, great some may say but a lot of pre work must be completed before using a trenching machine to avoid other services being damaged.
Our skills in building telecom networks from conventional duct networks to fibre to the premises using trenching technology we have completed numerous builds as follows:
• Fibre to the premises
• Rural network builds
• Conventional telecom networks (ducted)
We have proven experience within telecommunications and other utilities like power networks as we continue to expand in these areas to support the cabling aspects of the business. Having worked for multiple network providers building networks the civils aspect goes hand in hand with the cabling requirements. Our civils operatives know how to build and overcome obstructions and diversions to get the job done. Our civils experience includes the following:
• Duct laying 96mm / 110mm
• Direct buried tubing within footways and carriageways
• Construction of footway chambers
• Construction of carriageway chambers
• Blockage clearance
• Access streetside cabinet construction
As well as the front-end civils arm TNS have the back office where coordinators pre plan works with local authorities, raise safe dig prints and build each job on our documented system allowing works to be scheduled and kept on track and avoid over running on permits.
All works is controlled via our platform so we can carry out H&S audits, pre sites, letter drops, traffic management etc, in progress checks are carried out on all works which include dig depths with photo graphic date time stamp and geolocations, in progress job audits allowing us to manage projects effectively and efficiently and assigning tasks like backfill, muck away, reinstatement, site clears and site close evidence.
Telecoms network installation of ducting is normally excavated within installation involves laying ducts that facilitate the installation and maintenance of telecommunications infrastructure.
Remember, these are general guidelines and specific requirements may vary based on local regulations and the specific needs of the telecommunications infrastructure being installed.
To discuss civil engineering services please contact us on 01782 914001 or email us on or use the contact us page.